
Happy Children's day. Not too long ago, it was a pretty important day in my yearly calendar. You knew it was May 27th weeks ahead of the time; what with the endless marching rehearsals, list of things you had to remind your parents to buy (i.e. socks, shoes, ribbons and ruffles.

Then came Dday. You awoke extra early with butterflies in your tummy. All the hardwork of the past weeks had to pay off today:: when your school got announced as the winner of the march past parade and you got the cup. Plus bragging rights amongst your peers. The best part? The refreshments and food/treat you got for being a child on this day set aside to celebrate youth: you were allowed to make riotous noise with your friends and things like that. On the next school day, you and your fellow participants were treated like returning heroes.

Oh, the simple pleasures of youth. I wonder where all the time went. More importantly, I wonder what our children today have to look forward to: a world of insecurities, economic and otherwise. To give them a wholesome and qualitative education is fast becoming a luxury.

Let us all spare a moment to reflect on how we can make the lives of all the children around us better. A wonderful day is what I wish Lotanna, Phure, Aphe, Nifemi, Chukwudalu and all the children everywhere!!!!


Happy Children's day Eky....

Thank you dear. Happy Democracy Day Pam.