Yes. It had to be a cough; am quite certain that sneaking in would not have worked. I mean, its been over 3 months since my last entry. You should have seen the huge amounts of cobwebs I had to clear out, from this page and my brain as well, to put this down. Now dear online journal/reader, perish the thought that I did not miss you (I DID). Its just that small matter of life and work getting in the way of my musing and visits to you.

Now 2014 is almost history, it's an apt day to reflect on the very many events that took place this this year; with an aim to do better/be better in the coming year and going forward. I trust that you had a swell Christmas celebration and pray that the risen "Christ" who is the perfect gift of love, peace and everything good will bless us all.
For many of us in Nigeria, 2014 is a year we won't forget in a hurry; a lot of upheavals and unsavory experiences, the ones uppermost on our minds being the still missing CHIBOK Girls, the numerous bomb blasts and Boko Haram's rising impunity with human lives in North Eastern Nigeria. As always, I say a prayer for the families of the affected, the missing girls and the deceased; may the Almighty bring back our girls, comfort their families and grant repose to the lost souls.....Amen!

It has not all been awry though; I'm certain there was a glimmer of hope, or a ray of light that got brighter sometime during the outgoing year. Being alive and well is more than enough to be thankful for. Not to add all those additional blessings that came our way (yes that new spouse, job, car, love, friendship, baby, house, promotion, graduation from school, gifts; I saw all of you receive them). So we've got to get on our knees and thank our maker. For me, it was a super, duper year. It didn't start as great as I would have hoped; but it kept getting better and better; and I am eternally grateful for everything, especially YOU who's taking the time to read my jumbled thoughts.
So it's almost 2015; what are your resolves for the new year? I am avoiding using the word "resolution"; in fact, mine is to stop making resolutions on a yearly basis. I'm resolved to take each day one at a time, and strive to be a better version of Eky with each passing day. It's my conviction that if we each do that, it will go a long way to solve our "seemingly insurmountable" problems. Now, that's just me and I may be wrong (tongue-in-cheek). For some of you though who must have a to-do list for 2015, feel free to include all or some of the following to your list (thank me later; in cash please).
- stop publishing nudes
- reduce the amount of subs and insults on social media
- please stop the twitter fights (take it outside people *HugeGrin*)
- don't insult your elders (we are after-all African and are supposed to be respectful)
-reduce the hashtags (Eky take note)
- send Eky a million bucks (naira, pounds or dollars only)
Oh well, you may or may not ignore the last one. I just tried to help out some of you lost souls. All in all, have a blessed 2015 my lovelies. God bless us all.....
Yes. It had to be a cough; am quite certain that sneaking in would not have worked. I mean, its been over 3 months since my last entry. You should have seen the huge amounts of cobwebs I had to clear out, from this page and my brain as well, to put this down. Now dear online journal/reader, perish the thought that I did not miss you (I DID). Its just that small matter of life and work getting in the way of my musing and visits to you.
Now 2014 is almost history, it's an apt day to reflect on the very many events that took place this this year; with an aim to do better/be better in the coming year and going forward. I trust that you had a swell Christmas celebration and pray that the risen "Christ" who is the perfect gift of love, peace and everything good will bless us all.
For many of us in Nigeria, 2014 is a year we won't forget in a hurry; a lot of upheavals and unsavory experiences, the ones uppermost on our minds being the still missing CHIBOK Girls, the numerous bomb blasts and Boko Haram's rising impunity with human lives in North Eastern Nigeria. As always, I say a prayer for the families of the affected, the missing girls and the deceased; may the Almighty bring back our girls, comfort their families and grant repose to the lost souls.....Amen!
It has not all been awry though; I'm certain there was a glimmer of hope, or a ray of light that got brighter sometime during the outgoing year. Being alive and well is more than enough to be thankful for. Not to add all those additional blessings that came our way (yes that new spouse, job, car, love, friendship, baby, house, promotion, graduation from school, gifts; I saw all of you receive them). So we've got to get on our knees and thank our maker. For me, it was a super, duper year. It didn't start as great as I would have hoped; but it kept getting better and better; and I am eternally grateful for everything, especially YOU who's taking the time to read my jumbled thoughts.
So it's almost 2015; what are your resolves for the new year? I am avoiding using the word "resolution"; in fact, mine is to stop making resolutions on a yearly basis. I'm resolved to take each day one at a time, and strive to be a better version of Eky with each passing day. It's my conviction that if we each do that, it will go a long way to solve our "seemingly insurmountable" problems. Now, that's just me and I may be wrong (tongue-in-cheek). For some of you though who must have a to-do list for 2015, feel free to include all or some of the following to your list (thank me later; in cash please).
- stop publishing nudes
- reduce the amount of subs and insults on social media
- please stop the twitter fights (take it outside people *HugeGrin*)
- don't insult your elders (we are after-all African and are supposed to be respectful)
-reduce the hashtags (Eky take note)
Oh well, you may or may not ignore the last one. I just tried to help out some of you lost souls. All in all, have a blessed 2015 my lovelies. God bless us all.....
Eky, Eky, Eky.
How many times did I call you? You're a bundle of laughs.
Biko nu, girlfriend me, LOL... Happy holidays lady.
How am just getting to see this will forever be beyond me.
Thank you...