See this lady? Apart from being Beyonce's role model for her performances (I wasn't told, all I had to do was watch them both) , she stands out for me. Sexy. Sassy. Bold. A Fighter. The sexiest legs in the music business. Overcame all sorts of negativity and came out tops by miles!!! She is an icon for me. And today, she`s in the news; getting married to her love of 25years, Erwin Bach.
That takes guts. I mean, she is the more popular of the two; he is a music producer. And get this, he is 57 and she, 75 (supposedly). No offence, but we already have submission and challenge issues between couples where the man is older. Goes to show that age really is just a number to those who believe.
I doff my hat to him too. He must love her dearly. After all, its been so long as she is not as young as she used to be. TRUE LOVE DOES CONQUER ALL.
Congrats Tina and Erwin. May you continue to be happy together!!!