A fabulous Friday to you and you and me. I am certain all of you (except for a negligible few and I apologize), are getting ready for the weekend. I know I am.
Part of the things I have lined up are movies. One of them caught my eye and had me
scrambling to put this down. FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS. The famous or infamous cliche.
Yes, Eky has come again oh. But what do you think? Lots of people my age think its alright to engage/partake in this phenomenon; some others wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. As always, there are the indifferent and the abstainers from the vote.
Where do you belong??? Let me know and I`ll tell you mine. I am a democrat after all and am open to your opinions as well.
Have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY y`all!!!
Hmmm... It's allowed in my book.
Your turn, tell us.... :D
It always gets complicated somewhere along the line.
Okay, noted. Mine will be revealed soon.
Here comes the chairman. I salute you sir. Thanks for stopping by.
It is wrong, just like everyother immoral act that is taken as the norm.