So from the title of this post, you can guess that I am a bit miffed. If you didn't know it already, you do now. However, am generally in a fantastic mood so am not about to go all beserk or anything like it (I solemnly swear that am up to some good).
There was an incident on twitter recently that brought this hypocrisy to the fore all over again. No need to recount it here; however it just left a rather bitter taste in my mouth with the double standards we practice when it comes to women and their sexuality.
Everyone thinks about sex; is having or is going to have sex. That is a FACT. Why then is it such a crime for a woman to say things like "I had sex" or "I slept with 2 people", etc.
Forgive me for not doing the morality route today; I ain't your pastor. And am not saying you should disclose the number of your sexual liasons; that's entirely your prerogative. However, if these days in Nigeria, women go beyond their traditional roles of kitchen helps and home+babymakers and care givers (according to the epistle written by our forefathers),then they can decide what they want to do about their sex lives.
It would do us well for us to jump off the "High Horse" that many of us find/perch ourselves on; many times, we end up sounding like the horse's rear end ( I won't say ass, am a lady puhleeeze). This is entirely my opinion, feel free to disagree if you please.
Have a turbulence free Tuesday........
Nigerians stay being more catholic than the pope,yet we roll dirtier than the devil. Hypocritical lots...
I tell you. The reason why we have a lot of closet nudists.
Punchline: 'It would do us well for us to jump off the "High Horse" that many of us find/perch ourselves on; many times, we end up sounding like the horse's rear end ( I won't say ass, am a lady puhleeeze)' *applause*
Well said, Eky. Hypocrisy and manifestations of patriarchy as stated above will get us nowhere.
Thank you for your open mindedness. It never does get us anywhere. Unfortunately, too many people use the moralistic front to cover their true nature.