Hi my loves,           

It seemed very far away not too long ago. Alas, its here, staring us in the face. Welcome to 2014. Let me apologize for neglecting you, my online journal, in the latter bit of last year. This thing called life got in between us. But I promise not to let that happen this year.
Besides, I need my fix of you; now, more than ever.

So much has gone on and with 2013. Good/Bad, Happy/Sad, Ugly/Beautiful, Hilarious/Downright annoying, the Creepy/ Outlandishly freaky. But hey, we made it here. That's what is important. I am super, duper grateful for that, as am sure you are.

I can hear in my head the question, what's your new year resolution? ABSOLUTELY NONE, I tell ya.  The reason is simply because the resolution, whether at new year or in November will only be as effective as I allow it to be. So its the same old resolve; to be a better me, daughter, friend, sister, lover, mum and wife I can be (when its time).

On here though, its going to be 'EKY uncensored'. I am done trying to be nice and gentle-womanly with everyone. So here on these pages, I promise to be as frank and candid as i can possibly be about anything on here.

Have a fantastic 2014 lovelies. I love you tons and tons!!!!