Okay, so everyone says so about their mums usually, except under very difficult/extreme circumstances. But this woman right here, takes the cake and the icing too. I may be prejudiced, because she’s me mam, but anyone who knows her, knows that this is one of the few ‘SPECIAL ONES’ that have trod on the planet.

Mummy was born a year before independence, one of
seven children; including her twin sister. However, she lost all her siblings
early, after their dad died. So she’s an only child; or she used to be, until
she married Ogbuenyi and had us. It was just her and Mama Vicky (my grandma)
Mrs BI as she’s fondly called by us her offspring, is one of the most generous souls you’d ever come across; she always gave and still does everything she has to someone who needs it more. Having no siblings alive, she had no one to disturb her matrimonial peace; yet over 50 of my dad’s relatives have lived with her, either until marriage or their circumstances improved. i frankly don't know if I will have the kind of patience she has. Lord, imbue me with her inner strength.
She lost her only son to death in the year 1988; still she didnt loose her faith in God. She made us do all the chores, both manly and otherwise. I now realise mummy, that you were strengthening our tiny hands for the tasks that lie ahead. I love you now for the toughness and the whacks on the bum with a cane. I realize that you did it out of love for us.
Me mam is now a grandma of 3 adorable children; Chuchu, Lotanna and Zina (the latest addition). Not to worry mum; God is given you many more siblings than the ones you lost.
Your fearsome foursome are saying to you today; Happy birthday Oriaku nnanyi, Ijele nwanyi, ezigbo nne, Nwanyi obiocha, Omalicha (I wish i'd look like you when am 54). We love you, are grateful for you, are proud to call you Mother and pray you live long to reap the rewards of all your toils. Have a fabulous day mum.

Eky, Mebi, Isy and Chukwus......(Your husband's message is not here; he kept it for your ears only)
Sweet mum, nnem oma, happy birthday and many more years to you.