If we took the time to examine the reason for these arguments, one reason only would surface: an UNCIVIL TONGUE. A careless phrase, an unguarded insult, statements dripping with sarcasm; you name it, is what you will find behind most altercations. They usually leave you with a bitter aftertaste in your mouth and more importantly, with a 'what-just-happened?' feeling. This is because, you discover that it could have been avoided by being civil.
Being polite does not cost a thing. On the other hand, it can avert a lot of 'Man-Made Disasters'. Ladies, we will do well to remember this. Of course, we are not the only culprits; there are a number of guys who can give us a run for our money, *smiling*. Whatever the case let us learn to bridle our tongues when expressing differences in opinion. In another episode, we'll examine the position of the reactors. Until then, keep a civil tongue always.
Remember, that words once spoken can NEVER be taken back.
GReat advice for aspiring leaders and those in position of leadership. Infact, this should be a code of conduct for people aspiring to be successful in whatever they are doing.
Uncle Olu is here. Thanks for your comments, I happen to agree. Someone should get it passed as a law. And pay me of course. Lol
While i know you are joking sha... About the payment for your service to your fatherland... Nice lovely piece